Fox Newsletter Friday 16/12/16

Fox Primary School weekly newsletter
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This week in Pictures

Reception learning about Hanukkah

Father Christmas comes to St Annes

Yr 4 using arrays in maths

Dates for next week

Tuesday 3rd January  
Children back to School
Yrs 1 and 2 @ St Annes
Years Rec,3,4,5 and 6 @ Fox
The New building
We are very excitied about setting up the new school ready for the children on the 3rd January. As with every building project there will be some snagging and some re-organisation. However, we would like to invite parents and carers to have the opportunity to look around the school. We are aiming for parents to be able to awalk around witht their children on Friday 6th January at 2.30pm. I will confirm this date by no later than THursday 5th January.

I would like to thank parents and carers for their patience and co-operation during the last term. Many parents have embraced the walk to both St Anne's and KPA and this has made a huge difference to the organisation of the school day.
I would also like to thank all Fox staff for their flexibility and resilience during the last term. They have worked so hard to ensure that the education of the children in their class has not been affected by the building project. I hope that you would agree they have done an amazing job this term, which was reflected in the quality of the three Christmas productions this week.
School arrangements from January 2017
Fox School
Morning arrangements
Children in Reception, 3,4,5 and 6 will return to Fox School on Tuesday 3rd January. The gates will open at 8.40am and children will be expected to line up by 8.50am. Parents will drop their children at the school gates and children will go straight into the South playground and line up. Reception parents will be allowed to take their children directly to the South playground and drop their children at the ground floor classrooms.
Reception children will be picked up at 3.20pm.(Friday 2.05pm) The gate will be open for Reception parents ONLY at 3.15pm  to collect directly from South playground classrooms.
Years 3/4/5 and 6 at can be collected from the South playground at 3.30pm.(Friday 2.15pm) Parents can come into the playground to pick up their children. We will run a Fox Play as normal and clubs will  run both in the morning and after school. Clubs can be booked next Thursday from lunchtime.

St Anne's
Children in Years 1 and 2 will attend St Anne's for one term, starting on Tuesday 3rd January. There will be a coach available to take Year 1 and Year 2 both to and from St Anne's. The coach will arrive outside Waterstones at 8.15am and will leave at 8.30am. If parents miss the coach, they will be expected to take their child  directly to St Anne's. If parents choose to drop off, or pick up from St Anne's, they need to notify the school.
Children will return to Fox (Waterstones) at 3.40pm. (Friday 2.25pm)This will allow parents of siblings to collect children from Fox first and then pick up their child from the coach.
Children in Year 1 and Year 2 who attend Fox Play will be escorted back by members of Fox staff. If parents collect directly from St Anne's, they can pick up their child at 3.20pm.(Friday 2.05pm) There will  be clubs on offer at St Anne's and these will start at 3.30pm and finish at 4.30pm. Again, these can be booked  from Thursday 15th December, at lunchtime.
Both Fox Play and breakfast club need to be booked in advance. The school will be charging for both of these from January. Once again, children using  Fox Play can only be picked up from 4.45pm onwards.

School Lunches
Children in Reception , Year 1 and Year 2 have the option of a school lunch prepared by Nina at Ashburnham. Children in Years 3-6 will have to provide a packed lunch.
Fox Porta-cabin Update

What a week they have  had in Reception. THey started their  festivities on Monday with a gingerbread house making session led by Astrid’s mum Karen. The children carefully decorated a panel each using sweets, piping bags and marshmallows! Needless to say it was a very popular afternoon and they very much enjoyed their creations afterwards.

In literacy they embarked on our first visual literacy unit – The Snowman. The children delved into the setting and characters of the film with role play and hot seating. They then re-wrote the end of the story to make it much happier.

On Thursday they had an extra special Chanukah afternoon with Mums Marla, Isabelle, Karin and Sophie coming in to tell the children all about the Jewish festival of light. The children took turns to light the menorahs, we all got to try some donut dipped in honey and the children also made their own dreidels.

From all the Reception team – Have a wonderful holiday and see you in the New Year!

Year 1 have had a fantastic week! On Tuesday, we visited the Geffrye Museum. We were all very impressed with how well the children behaved when we travelled across London. At the museum we explored different household objects from the Victorian times and the 1990s. The children were puzzled by the 1990s video tapes and cassettes (which made us feel very old).

In Religious Education, the children have been learning about giving and receiving gifts. They thought about how they can show their loved ones that they care for them. The children came up with some lovely ideas. “I can help with the washing up.” “I can give my Mum & Dad a hug or kiss.” “I can read my sister a story.”

Today, the children enjoyed their Christmas Party! We played party games and sang Christmas songs. We are all feeling very festive and looking forward to our Christmas Holidays!

KPA Update
This week in year 3 we continued exploring arrays in numeracy but with the added challenge of problem solving. In literacy, we finished our exciting narrative on Moon Man on a dramatic cliff-hanger! In history, we finished our pre-history unit, learning about theories of how Stone Henge may have been formed. In Spanish, we made winter cards and sang songs. Mrs. Buchanan, Miss Flegg and the year 3 team were all incredibly proud of their fantastic recorder performances in the concert - very well done to you all!
This week year 4 paid an extremely special visit to the Royal College of Music. They took part in a live sing along performance by the Philharmonic Orhestra of the opera Carmen.  This was all topped off by their brilliant effort singing opera in the Carol concert. Numeracy has taken on a festive theme this week, working with chocolates (unifix cubes) investigating all of the different ways they could be packaged up for the holidays. 
​Year 6 completed their  biographies on Nelson Mandela this week before putting their skills in to practice again and writing another biography on David Attenborough. It is a very tricky genre to write, but they have all grasped it incredibly well and produced some outstanding work! In Science, the children discussed the various plant adaptations they had observed on our trip to Kew Gardens and looked more closely at the evolution of plants from algae (500m years ago) to Darwin's Orchid (130m years ago).  In Topic, they concluded their History unit on the Windrush era, which has provided some fascinating insights into local history, and will be moving onto a Geography unit about polar climates in the new year. 


St Anne's Update

This week in Year 2, we have had a fun-packed time. We were so impressed with the creativity of the children when we saw their home made secret santa presents. From Papier mache hats to home-made Christmas decorations, we saw so much ingenuity! We were also lucky enough to have a live ‘gig’ by our very own Mr Wulff who wowed us with his dulcet tones. We are sad to say goodbye to Mr Kemeny and Miss Estopa who both will be greatly missed.


Year 5 have been working hard right to the end of term. They have produced their own fantastic and very exciting spy stories that kept Ms Parkhouse and Ms Thatcher on the edge of their seats and made their own metric measuring tapes and measuring cylinders. The year 5 staff would like to say a huge thank you to all the children for such a fun and productive first term. Enjoy the holidays, stay safe and collect lots of memories and stories to share with us in January at the new building!


All staff at St. Annes wish you a very happy Christmas

Thank you to parents for booking clubs. We still have vacancies for many clubs. The following are at risk of not running because of the low numbers:
1. Needlecraft - 5 vacancies
2. Dance Fusion - 5 vacancies
3. Boxercise - 5 vacancies
4. Fox radio - 8 vacancies
5.Older year group Spanish - 10 vacancies.

Please log onto your school gateway account to book these and other clubs. If you are having difficulties please contact

Whole school attendance to date 97.46%
FSA update

 Thank you to all who helped make the Winter Fair a success! Despite the sweaty sauna atmosphere, there were loads of smiling faces and it was great to see so much of the Fox community in one place. We also raised almost £4,000 (see attached split by stall), which is a cherry on top for a fair that came together quite quickly.

The Giving Tree raised over £150 which will be split equally between Refugee Community Kitchen and Refugee Children's Centre.  There were some lovely messages that children wrote to the children in Dunkirk.

Thank you again for all your hard work. Have a great holiday!
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