Fox Newsletter Friday 13/1/17

Fox Primary School weekly newsletter
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This week in Pictures

Year 4 making circuits in science

Reception visit the science museum

Yr 2 shared writing lesson

 Shanghai Teachers at Ashburnham

As part of the Fox Maths Hub, two Shanghai teachers are spending three weeks at Ashburnham School teaching mathematics.  These  maths experts, Ms Lynne, Ms Jenny and Dr Huang have just finished their first week, working with Year 2 and Year 3. The teachers have taught four amazing lessons to each year group. Visitors have come from as far and wide as Birmingham to observe the lessons and speak to the teachers; these have included school leaders, and people from bodies such as the DfE, NCETM, and ATM. The Chinese teachers have been full of praise and enthusiasm for Ashburnham, complimenting them on the diverse experience they offer the children . They even found a little time to battle Ashburnham  children at table tennis.

'We are incredibly lucky to be able to learn from these world leaders in maths and are making the most of their time here.'- Headteacher

‘Ms Jenny made the maths seem super easy!’ Yr2

‘I know that the commutative law is for multiplication’ Yr3 

Weekly Theme - Thundersnow!
Britain is set to be hit with a rare outbreak of 'thundersnow' this week as blustery showers, blizzards and frigid air blow in from the North. It is the same as a thunderstorm, except that snow falls instead of rain.

The phenomenon happens when thunderstorms form in wintry conditions and could occur within storms that are expected to cause chaos across much of the UK this week. We may also see its slushier cousin – ‘thundersleet’!
Yellow warnings for wind and snow have been issued ahead of the massive weather disturbance, with as much as 20cm of snow possible in some areas.
So how can you stay safe and warm?
  • Wear suitable shoes with a good grip
  • Wear hats, gloves, scarves and coats
  • Eat lots of healthy food and drink lots of warm drinks

Voluntary Readers

A​re you available to read with a child at Fox once a week (for half an hour) to help them develop their reading skills? Training would be provided in advance and you would be supported throughout the scheme. If you are interested, please contact Natasha Tahta (, or speak to Miss Johnson (year 6 class teacher) for more information. Our next training date will be on Thursday 9th February at 2:30.  

St Anne's Update

Year 1 have had a great week problem solving in Maths! They have been using the Cuisenaire rods to make trains that are the same length. They recorded their findings using a code. We have been so impressed we their determination and hard work to find all the different ways and their algebraic recordings! In Science, we have been investigating materials. The children have been sorting different objects and discussing what they are made from. In assembly this week, we learnt about different explorers and the take home message was that we can face challenges with support from our family and friends and with a ‘can do’ attitude! We are looking forward to seeing mini-explorers at Fox School.  

This week, Year 2 have been writing amazing information texts about Roald Dahl and his fascinating life. The children also made some brilliant posters for their home learning - we were so impressed to see the effort that had been put in to this! We have also been incredibly impressed with the childrens' numeracy skills this week when they explained a range of mental strategies they could use to work out various addition and subtraction equations and word problems. The children loved their science lesson this week, where they explored dark and light using "dark boxes". In topic, as part of our Florence Nightingale unit the children learnt about the difference between a primary and a secondary source and how we use these. 


School Nurse


On Monday 23rd January from 8.30-12.00,
Nadine Powell, our new school nurse, will be hosting a
drop-in clinic for parents. She can support with a range of issues, including bedwetting, diet, sleep and the management of medication. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fox school office for this clinic.


On Tuesday 28th February from 9-10am,
Nadine will be leading a
sleep workshop for parents at Fox. She will share advice and research on how to support your child to get a good night's sleep and respond to any queries or concerns.

Are you having issues with bedwetting at night? The school nurse can support with this. You can see her at one of her drop-in clinics, but she is also happy to lead a session for a group of parents on this issue if there is sufficient interest. If you would be interested in attending a workshop on how to deal with bedwetting, please email 

      5P Cake Sale!
On Tuesday 17th January, 5P will be holding a cake sale after school to raise money for a village school in India.
I have been supporting this school for 3 years.  The money raised will be used to buy new school resources (stationary, paper, writing books etc.), more reading books, funding for children who cannot afford lunches and a fund for small school trips.
Being a teacher, I know that education is the only way out of poverty. If these vulnerable children receive a good education, then it will, in time, eradicate poverty from the village for good.
If you want to find out more information about the school and my involvement, please read my blurb on the following website:

Being a teacher, I know how important education is, particularly for those in poverty. Education is the only way out.  This school acts as a hand-up for these children, not a hand-out, which is why it is so important to me.  If these children receive a good education, it will, in time, eradicate poverty from the village for good.
Thanks and see you on Tuesday! Miss Parkhouse
Head Girl/Boy and House Captains
Congratulations to all the children who applied for the above positions. The quality of applications was very high and I know it was very difficult to select children. I have personally said well done to all the children who applied and told them the process of applying and not being selected was as important as applying and being selected.
Head Boy - Tawfeeq
Head Girl - Elizabeth

House Captains:
Arctic - Isabelle and Milo
Silver - Vittoria and Alairic
Desert- Scarlett and Ahmed
Red - Leonie and Iskander
Whole school attendance to date 97.25%
RB Cara

Cara has been so motivated with her learning this week. She made great progress in her numeracy learning – accurately forming and ordering her numbers to 15 and participating in lots of number activities to find one more and one fewer. Keep up the great work, Cara!

RC Darina

Darina brightens up our classroom every day with her huge smile and bundles of enthusiasm! Darina tries hard at everything she does and she is such a kind and caring friend. We love having you in our class!​

1B Maddie  Maddie impressed us with her mathematical problem solving this week. She worked really well with her partner when investigating how many different ways they could make the same length Cuisenaire train. Maddie’s enthusiasm for learning is infectious
1H Saskia Saskia has blown us away with her amazing writing this week! Her story of the Gruffalo was filled with vivid adjectives, joining words and ambitious language. Furthermore, she has been putting in excellent effort with her handwriting – a real author in the making! Well done Saskia!
2B Skye Skye is a star every week and we are very lucky to have her in our class. She is always looking out for others and is such a supportive friend and classmate. Often, we hear Skye telling other children how well they have done in something. This week Miss Butt has also noticed her quietly tidying the classroom every day after lunch, without even being asked by an adult. Well done Skye!
2J Carl Carl has really grown in confidence in Year 2 and this week has used this to share some excellent explanations of how he solved addition and subtraction problems in numeracy. He is speaking with a loud, clear voice and is using full sentences to explain what he is doing. Well done Carl and keep it up!
3B Elizabeth

Elizabeth amazes us with her great attention and effort in every lesson – what a star! She is always a thoughtful, caring friend to everyone, both in class and in the playground, and has excellent manners. This week, we were especially impressed with her neat handwriting and accurate measuring – keep up the great learning Elizabeth!

3F Rafferty

Rafferty has made huge progress this week. He had been so focussed in lessons– in numeracy he has been measuring using a variety of units and working well with his group. In literacy, his instructions writing on pirates has blown us away with his fantastic adjective choices! He has been listening carefully to adults instructions and setting an example to the other children in how to move around the school. Keep it up Rafferty!

4F Robert

Robert has been a fantastic member of Fox. He bounces in every morning with a new fact to tell everyone. We love his enthusiasm for science and have learnt so much from him throughout all of our units. We wish you the best of luck in your new school. Keep in touch!

4W Mohammad Mohammad has had an outstanding start to the spring term and shown exemplary behaviour. He is a focused and diligent student in lessons and proven himself to be quite the time teller. We are so lucky to have him in 4W. Keep it up Mohammed!
5P Matthew Matthew has been awarded star of the week this week for his incredible river project.  He clearly invested a wealth of time and energy into his research and used his creativity to produce an outstanding 3D model of a river - with some superb origami trees too!! Amazing!
5T Marcus Marcus has been a real star in numeracy this week, giving his full focus and effort to our work on fractions. He was even able to share his knowledge with his classmates to be a fantastic freactions teacher. Well done.
6G Bushrah Bushrah has been such a star this week - as she is every week! She is always so focused on her learning and tries her absolute best in every lesson. She wrote an amazing diary entry in Literacy this week that was packed with complex sentences and 'show not tell.' Bushrah also worked incredibly hard in Science designing branch keys to classify plants and animals. Well done Bushrah; your attitude to learning is admirable.
6J Andrey Andrey turns up to every guided reading session with enthusiasm. He engages with our texts and offers interesting points to our discussions. He is also always ready to talk about reading and to share book reviews with the class. Well done Andrey
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